Driver-friendly “Pronto” Mexicos new online platform competing with Uber


They are family and partners; and also great friends since they were children. Something the three of them always talked about was Uber: ‘We can do this same business. Because it is surprising that they take away from the driver a 33% commission for each service. ‘

Gabriel Cano, Nydia Cano, and Miguel Martínez Cano have traveled a lot to other countries. They also know Mexico very well; and you have noticed that people are already very angry right now because there is big inequality in the world.

They remember when they came to hear talks from some authorities who said: ‘These transnational corporations come to Mexico and offer work, but the reality is that it is not such a fair job. But many say yes because there are no other options. ‘

Gabriel, Nydia, and Miguel already owned a small mobile app studio, yet they had very few downloads (less than 100). But they continued with the idea of ​​generating this Mexican Uber. They had never been determined, until one day they said: “You have to do a pilot test in Tlaxcala with 25 vehicles.” The two keywords in his mind were: fair self-employment.

Pronto - ¡Te llevamos a donde tú quieras!

This is how a mobility application called Pronto was born in November 2017, which was downloaded in less than three months by more than 12,000 users. Its great difference is that it does not charge drivers commissions for the trips made. Instead, they access a monthly subscription that ranges from 599 to 1,599 pesos, depending on the driver’s billing.

“Now with Pronto, we can guarantee drivers not pay commissions that ultimately leave the country,” says Nydia Cano, co-founder of Pronto in an interview for Entrepreneur en Español.

Today it has more than 218,000 users and more than 2.2 million trips. It operates in 22 cities within seven states: Nuevo León, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Yucatan, and Nayarit. In these same places, they launched Pronto Envíos due to the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19. Thus, drivers can make all kinds of shipments, from paper to a ton with fast service and at a good price.  

Tu Pronto, la App tipo Uber a la mexicana

“To face the coronavirus we temporarily subsidize the monthly subscription of the drivers; and we adapt by charging them according to demand. That amount will not exceed the amount they pay regularly. In addition, we created a blog to reliably inform drivers and users about the Covid-19 ”, explains the entrepreneur.

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The Mazatlan Post