Hospitalized at the Polyforum, she fights between life and death; her grandson, a baby less than a year old, is stable
A family made up of husband, wife, and mother, all from Tabasco, who arrived in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, infected with coronavirus, Chiapas Health Secretary José Manuel Cruz Castellanos reported.
These are cases 29, 30 and 31; 65-year-old man, a 40-year-old woman, and 84-year-old woman isolated in San Cristóbal de Las Casas.
While he also reported case 32, which is a 49-year-old woman from Tuxtla, assistant to a radiologist. You have discomfort, isolated at home.
The Secretary of Health announced that the man hospitalized in the clinic that was set up in the Polyforum is torn between life and death; while her grandson, a baby under one year old, is stable, at his home, where specialists visit him twice a day; he is asymptomatic with a slight cough and had no complications.
So far there are five hospitalized in Chiapas, three very serious and eight already recovered.
This April 6 in Chiapas the first death from coronavirus was recorded, it was patient 18 from La Independencia, hospitalized in Comitán, who neither he nor his family allowed to be intubated.
In this way, the 32 cases for Chiapas are as follows: 15 in Tuxtla, 4 in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 4 in Tapachula, 3 in Tabasco (in San Cristóbal), 2 in Chiapa de Corzo, 2 in La Independencia, 1 in Palenque and 1 in Comitán.
Every day in Chiapas there is an average of 18 suspects. So far, two people have been discharged.

José Manuel Castellanos indicated at the press conference on Monday, March 23 that in a tragic scenario, Chiapas could have 6,800 infected; while in an expected scenario, around 1,885 cases could be registered in an expected scenario, 279 severe and 94 in intensive care.
For this reason, the Chiapas Convention Center was set up as a hospital, which was inaugurated to deal with serious cases.
Chiapas registered the first case of coronavirus on March 1, it was an 18-year-old girl who came from Italy, but fortunately, when she arrived in the state she no longer had symptoms. Today she is discharged. To date, there are already two people who are discharged.
The authorities have issued a series of recommendations to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The healthy distance intervention to be carried out consists of four points: 1) continue with the basic preventive measures; 2) the temporary suspension of non-essential activities; 3) rescheduling of events of mass concentration and 4) protection and care of the elderly.
The basic prevention measures: frequent hand washing, preferably with soap and water (preferably liquid) and that lasts at least 30 seconds, in case of not having soap and water, you can use 70% alcohol-based antibacterial gel.
The most notable measures in Mexico so far have been to declare a national health emergency and thereby request to stay home for a month, to avoid a massive contagion, from March 30 to April 30.
In Chiapas, the Judicial and Legislative Powers stopped their work with respective guards; in all municipalities, fairs and activities of mass concentration have been canceled or postponed; in the case of Tuxtla, the artistic activity of the Parque de la Marimba, Caña Hueca, Parque del Oriente has been suspended.
The Mazatlan Post