Entrepreneurs from Valle de Guadalupe clean the Wine Route


The integration of the groups was divided into quadrants along the roads that make up the Valle de Guadalupe in its three delegations: San Antonio de las Minas, El Porvenir and Francisco Zarco.

Ensenada, B.C.- For the fifth consecutive year, more than 10 tons of garbage were collected in five days on the Wine Route through the civil association Emprendedores del Valle de Guadalupe, totaling more than 47 tons in five annual days, as stated by Marco Estudillo Bernal, president of the group.

“We are very happy because more than 75 companies participated, which now totals almost 460 in 5 years, which, on each day, have committed to showing love, respect, affection and solidarity for their environment, taking care of the agricultural land, the vine, wine, gastronomy and the environment” he said.

He explained that, with the integration of the groups, they were divided into quadrants along the roads that make up the Valle de Guadalupe in its three delegations: San Antonio de las Minas, El Porvenir and Francisco Zarco.

The members of each team, he said, equipped themselves with gloves, rakes, brooms, picks and bags and in an effort that lasted at least eight hours a day, they worked to raise, once again, social awareness of the importance of helping to improve the environment, through cleaning, collecting trash and taking care of the environment.

Marco Estudillo considered that these types of activities are an important example for generations of children and young people who, over the years, have joined.

Today we already have children who, since they were five years old, began to participate as children and on this occasion they are already entering adolescence and have adopted this activity as an important part of participation with their family in the community,” he commented.

He recognized the support of the three delegates from the Valley, with whom over the years they have been able to promote the social responsibility of Emprendedores del Valle de Guadalupe, to encourage social participation.

He pointed out that by 2024, it is expected that there will be a significant multiplication of companies that join, that continue to contribute with vision, so that the main culture of not littering, rather than cleaning, is consolidated.

Source: El Imparcial