The binational Cross Border Xpress (CBX) bridge continues its expansion with the development of the Passenger Processing Building that seeks to facilitate passenger transit between Mexico and the United States and to become China’s entry hub to Mexico.
The construction of these new facilities was not stopped during the pandemic and the work is expected to conclude in December 2022, however, before the end of this year, a flow of passengers will already pass through this area.
The Passenger Processing Building will distribute the passenger flow of the CBX by increasing the capacity by more than double the square meters, as it will incorporate a 45 thousand square meter construction to the existing 42 thousand.
For this project, an approximate investment amount of 1.9 billion pesos was allocated, according to the value of the currency in 2018.
Currently, the entire structure has been covered, all levels already have a floor and the roof is placed. Work is being done on implementing a module of stairs and elevators to launch the international part so that the upper deck can operate without living with outbound passengers.
Another CBX project is the expansion of the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) area, which is in the process of expanding by 2,117 square meters, which will add double the space to process passengers and ensure a larger area for comply with the distance between passengers.
These actions on the cross-border bridge are added to the implementation of touchless technology to make a more biosecure terminal for passengers; as well as the expansion of the lobby with a construction of 335 meters, new bathrooms in the arrival area with a construction of 477 meters, among other functions that will make the transit experience of travelers faster, easier, but above all safe.