They will celebrate Dia de Los Muertos in Michoacan 2020


It seeks not to stop elementary activities for such an important date: Silvano Aureoles, Governor of the state.

Con actividades presenciales y virtuales, Ayuntamiento de Morelia celebrará  Noche de Muertos - Moreliactiva

With the aim of building the appropriate instruments that allow achieving a balance between taking care of health, reactivating the economy and adapting the celebrations for the Night of the Dead to the New Coexistence, Governor Silvano Aureoles Conejo led the Session Ordinary of the Health Safety Committee.

“In Michoacán, we have, until last year, a very encouraging path in terms of tourism; however, we must understand that this has changed and we are seeking not to stop elementary activities for such an important date as the Day of the Dead, ”said the state president.

Uruapan celebrará la noche de muertos con el Festival de las Velas |  Periódico Viaje

Before the members of his Cabinet, the Army, workers in the health sector, leaders of the religious sector and representatives of the media, Aureoles Conejo stressed that as the steps towards the New Coexistence were taken, there was a favorable response from each one of the sectors. “It is essential that the decisions made do not relax sanitary measures or discipline,” he said.

Under this premise, the Secretary of Tourism of Michoacán, Claudia Chávez López, reported that with the municipalities of Erongarícuaro, Quiroga, Tzintzuntzan, Pátzcuaro and Uruapan, field work was done to establish general agreements and detail the protocols that will be implemented during the 31st of October, November 1 and 2. “This is a very ours celebration and society throughout the state will be asked to respect the rules, security measures and capacity allowed in each of the municipalities,” Claudia Chávez pointed out.

Among the rules that tourists must follow are:

· Respect the protocols that mark the New Coexistence; the entry of tourists and visitors to pantheons will be under strict sanitary security measures, prior consensus of authorities and residents.

· Suspend all cultural activities and events that generate massive concentrations; such as concerts, plays, exhibitions or dance shows.

Destinos turísticos para celebrar el Día de Muertos

Suspend the sale of alcohol and music bands on public roads, it is specified that the sale of alcohol will be respected in restaurants, as long as it is accompanied by the sale of food.

· Organize artisans and traditional cooks to support the sale of their products within their communities.

No description available.

· It is proposed to suspend the Artisanal Tianguis of Pátzcuaro, in order to avoid any source of coronavirus infection, in addition, with this action, the chain of infections would be cut.

chilango - 💀 Escápate a tres días de fiestas de Día de Muertos en Michoacán  🎃

· Promote the local sale of handicrafts and gastronomy, which will be made by artisans in their establishments and workshops.

· The pantheons open to tourists will have mapping, circuit design, signage, checkpoints and areas for people to wash their hands.

· Vessels that operate in docks will operate at 50 percent of their capacity for tours in Lake Pátzcuaro and around Janitzio Island, since it will remain closed.

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In this regard, Michoacán Health Secretary Diana Carpio Ríos commented: “We are going to continue prioritizing lives, carrying out mitigation actions and asking the population to collaborate and understand how to break the chain of infections, because it is a disease that spreads for the contact ”.

▷ Noche de Muertos, ¿CANCELADA en Pátzcuaro?


Michoacan Post