Baja California state officials analyze allowing the medicinal use of cannabis ahead of federal regulations


This is being analyzed by the Health Commission of the State Congress

The Congress of Baja California reported that the medical use of cannabis is being analyzed by the Health Commission chaired by Deputy Montserrat Caballero Ramírez thanks to the participation of Engineer Víctor Rocha Castaño, member of the board of directors of the Loto Rojo foundation, with an exhibition on this topic last Wednesday, October 14.

Loto Rojo is a non-profit institution that offers therapies with alternative natural substances, such as from cannabis, for terminal cancer patients or with various conditions such as epilepsy, parkinson’s, leukemia, autism, diabetes, among others, according to Castaño.

They achieved this thanks to a lawsuit they filed with the federation, which they won and obtained a precautionary measure to continue treating patients with active substances from cannabis and other types of medicinal plants.

Medical use of cannabis analyzed in Baja California -

For its part, Montserrat Caballero said that the members of the Health Commission are aware of the importance of this issue in society as well as the usefulness that substances derived from marijuana have for therapeutic and scientific research purposes.

Given this, the member of the Loto Rojo foundation asked the Legislative Power to work together “and that we build the basis of a law or a state program of cannabis medicine, which will be the first that exists in the country.”

In addition, he requested a budget in order to open clinics or treatment centers for patients who require it, so the officials present from Coepris and Isesalud asked him for a copy of the precautionary measure won by the Loto Rojo foundation, in order to based on it give your opinion on it.

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Congress BC Legislative Branch


This ruling body is led by Deputy Montserrat CaballeroMexicali, BC, Wednesday October 14, 2020.- This day a meeting of the Health Commission (SC) of the XXIII local Legislature was held, chaired by Deputy Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, where the members of this working body Legislature analyzed and listened to the topic “Medicinal Use of Cannabis”, given by Eng. Víctor Rocha Castaño, member of the board of directors of the Loto Rojo foundation.

In the event were, apart from those already mentioned, the legislators who are members of the CS Eva Gricelda Rodríguez, who serves as secretary, and the members Julia Andrea González Quiroz and Carmen Leticia Hernández Carmona, as well as David Gutiérrez Inzunza, head of the State Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Coepris) and Jorge Borja, in charge of Legal Affairs at Isesalud.In the use of the voice, Montserrat Caballero, president of the Commission, thanked the presence of the attendees and congratulated himself for having the opportunity to analyze “such an important issue, such as the medicinal use of cannabis. The members of this Commission, aware that it is a topic of broad interest to society, we open this channel of communication, based on the usefulness of facilitating the use of active substances derived from marijuana for therapeutic and scientific research purposes ”.He indicated that as of the decree published in the Official Gazette of the Federation in 2017, various provisions of the General Health Law and the Federal Penal Code were amended, with the aim of allowing the use of derivatives of that plant for medicinal purposes .

In that sense, he expressed the need for the deputies that make up the Commission, and in conjunction with the health authorities of the Entity, to work on harmonizing the regulations on the therapeutic use of cannabis.

In her presentation on the “Medicinal Use of Cannabis”, Rocha Castaño, a member of the Loto Rojo foundation, announced that this is a non-profit institution that offers therapies with alternative natural substances, such as those from cannabis, for terminal cancer patients or with various conditions such as epilepsy, parkinson’s, leukemia, autism, diabetes, among others.

He mentioned that his association, faced with a legal vacuum in the medicinal use of this product, filed a lawsuit and won a precautionary measure before the federation to continue treating terminally ill patients based on active substances from cannabis and other types of medicinal plants. In that sense, he referred that “what we request from the Legislative Power is to have a spirit of cooperation, to have a spirit of work together with us, in order to be able to comply with these precautionary measures in full partnership, and that let us establish and build the base of a law or a state program of cannabis medicine, which will be the first that exists in the country ”. To do this, he requested a budget in order to open clinics or treatment centers for patients who require it.

During the round of questions asked to the speaker, legislator Carmen Leticia Hernández proposed starting the operation of the centers for the treatment with cannabis, based on the infrastructure and personnel of the State health system; The exhibitor pointed out that there is currently a lack of infrastructure to teach and train in the use of the product’s medicinal technology, in addition to requiring a learning curve.

In response to a question by the deputy Julia Andrea González about whether there are sequelae in children during their treatment with the active substances of cannabis, she replied that microdose treatments are designed for minors, even with a percentage 10 times lower than that allowed by the federal health authorities.

For her part, the legislator Eva Gricelda congratulated the speaker, since she said she knew the favorable results obtained in the clinic that the Loto Rojo Foundation has through the treatments they perform, and at her request, she was informed that the association’s clinic is settled in the city of Tijuana, but that offers its services in Mexicali through consultations made in various offices in the city.

Finally, the officials present from Coepris and Isesalud agreed to request a copy of the precautionary measure won by the Loto Rojo foundation, in order to know it in-depth and give a sustained opinion on the matter.


Baja California Post