No municipality in Baja California will resume activities on May 18


According to the traffic light system of the reopening plan, all the municipalities of the state are in red

On Thursday, May 14, the Baja California community was informed of the increase in cases of Covid-19 in the region, which now total 2 thousand 835 positive cases and 487 deaths, in addition to 718 suspected cases.

With this panorama, the Health Secretary, Alonso Pérez Rico, pointed out that according to the reopening plan for the state, based on the traffic light system, all the municipalities are in red, since all of them have infections.

This has the effect that none of the municipalities restart their activities on May 18, said the Secretary.

In turn, Pérez Ricoinformed the signing of the reopening plan agreement, which is working in conjunction with the federal government, which stipulates that the Baja California Ministry of Health will determine the actions that are necessary for this plan.

Meanwhile, knowing that the entity will not be able to start with stage 1 of the plan, since “for Baja California, it does not apply” due to the number of cases it has, it will be until the second stage where strategies will begin to reopen, from May 18 to 31.

In turn, the color of the traffic light system in which the different municipalities are located will be monitored every week, which the authorities will inform, in order to know which municipalities and when they will enter stage 3, which will be based on mobility, number of cases and active cases, according to Pérez Rico.

So far, according to the restriction measures taken in Ensenada and the number of cases it has, the Secretary of Health mentioned that it could be the first municipality in the state to change color at the traffic light.


The Mazatlan Post