AMLO Government will give priority to young patients; older patients will be cared for last


Should ventilators and respirators become scarce, “younger patients need to receive intensive care first over older patients”

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the Government establishes that when hospital resources begin to be scarce, such as ventilators or mechanical ventilators, the use of these will have to be prioritized to younger patients, with the aim of saving the greatest number of lives.

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Younger patients should receive intensive care before older patients.

This is established in the document Bioethical Guide for the Allocation of Critical Medicine Resources, developed by the General Health Council headed by the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela and the Secretary of the Treasury, Arturo Herrera, among other members of the Council.

The harsh measure established by the State exemplifies its medical personnel that “when we only have one ventilator and there are two patients: patient A is 80 years old and patient B is 20 years old. Let us suppose that if patient A receives the ventilator, she will live seven more years and if patient B receives the ventilator, she will live 65 more years ”.

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Therefore, it specifies that “to solve this problem, an additional principle must be introduced: save the greatest number of lives-to-be completed”.

For this reason, it also indicates that “a life-to-be-completed must be understood as one that has not yet gone through the different stages of human bio-psycho-social development (ie childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age). And from among the lives-to-be completed you have to choose those that are in the earliest stages, ”the document specifies.

The Guide explains that it should be understood as a “scarce resource of critical medicine” is one in which two or more patients need simultaneously but that due to its indivisible nature only one patient can use it “and as a paradigmatic example are mechanical ventilators that in this case of pandemic they can be scarce.

The guide also details that the allocation of scarce medical resources should not take into account “political affiliation, religion, being the head of the family, perceived social value, nationality or immigration status, gender, race, sexual preference, disability.”

In this system, a scoring method is also established, where in the event of a tie, it will have to be taken into account to decide which patient will receive the scarce resource by chance or the rate of mortality due to coronavirus.

Regarding this prioritization of resources for critically ill patients, priority must also be given “to health personnel fighting the COVID-19 emergency. The prioritization of said health personnel must be absolute ”, details the Guide, within its controversial precepts.

It is noteworthy that on Monday, during the press conference, the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, clarified that this guide is not new, but now it will be applied to COVID-19 patients and also justified.

He also said that it was a scenario to be prepared for and was still under analysis, however, the Guide has already been published on the site of the General Health Council.


The Mazatlan Post

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