Warning issued to people who use SENTRI lanes at San Ysidro Port of Entry


Tijuana police are warning drivers about a rise in “blind mule” instances at the border. This phenomenon refers to individuals who unknowingly transport narcotics or unauthorized migrants through ports of entry. The Tijuana Police Department is cautioning travelers to inspect their cars before crossing into San Diego due to this increase.

According to Fernando Sánchez González, head of public safety for Tijuana, those using SENTRI lanes are particularly at risk. He emphasizes that the “blind mule” cases are occurring throughout the city and advises people to check under their vehicles for any hidden items or attachments.

Sánchez González also asks citizens who encounter suspicious packages or items to report them immediately by calling 911. If such instances are reported, the police will investigate and hand over any narcotics-related evidence to prosecutors.

He shared a recent case where a man from Phoenix, Arizona, discovered three packages taped under his car while driving through Tijuana. The officers inspected a Toyota Tacoma and found almost four kilos of crystal meth in the packages. Additionally, they found a GPS tracking device attached to the vehicle.

When questioned about an increase in “blind mule” cases, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has yet to respond to a query from Border Report regarding whether CBP officers have noticed a similar trend.

Source: Fox San Diego