COSTASALVAJE invites you to participate in its first video contest!


From high school and college students to the general public! Everyone can participate in this incredible contest.

In celebrations before World Water Day, which will be on March 22 of the current year, COSTASALVAJE invites high school students, university students and the general public to participate in its First Video Contest, which will have as its main objective to raise awareness among the population on water scarcity, conservation and contamination in Tijuana.

The topics they can discuss in their videos are any of the three:

Show examples of how to make rational use of water.

Show the effects of the lack of water in Tijuana and what to do in the face of the shortage of the vital liquid.

Show the environmental and public health problems generated by wastewater in your community.

Also, WILDCOAST seeks talent for paid video production. Participation can be individually or in a group. The deadline to register is Tuesday, March 19 in the following format:

Registration at:

Free format: Wide 1920 x 1080 px, Vertical 1080 x 1920 px or square 1080 x 1080 in mp4 px or for RRSS in vertical format 1080 x 1350 px, horizontal 1350 x 1080 px or square 1080 x 1080 px in mp4.

The length of the video can be between 30 seconds and 2 and a half minutes.

The videos must be sent via wetransfer to the email included in the registration no later than Friday, April 12 before 7:00 p.m.

Prizes will be in check or cash so that participants can purchase equipment for their next productions. First Place: $4,500.00 pesos, Second Place: $3,000.00 pesos and Third Place: $2,500.00 pesos

The winning videos will be uploaded to the COSTASALVAJE/WILDCOAST social networks.

The award ceremony will be on Thursday, April 25 at 10:00 a.m. The location will be communicated to participants once it is confirmed.