Army secures arsenal, drugs and even grenade launcher in Tijuana, Baja California


Military personnel and national guards established a security perimeter while ministerial agents executed a search warrant

Elements of the Army, National Guard and the Prosecutor’s Office of Baja California secured an arsenal and drugs in a property in the municipality of Tijuana, which was used by the organized crime that operates in the border entity with the United States.

After obtaining information that illicit activities were carried out in the property of the Chapultepec neighborhood, military personnel and national guards established a security perimeter while state ministerial agents executed a search warrant in which they secured 46 firearms (28 long and 18 short), 1 grenade launcher attachment, 118 magazines, cartridges of various calibers (pending to be counted).

As well as 7 grenades, 3 containers with possible methamphetamine, 1 package containing probable cocaine and a property, which were made available to the competent authorities, in order to continue the investigations and expert actions that allow to determine the characteristics of the weaponry, magazines and cartridges, and the type and quantity of drugs.

The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) reported that these acts were carried out with strict adherence to the rule of law and in coordination with the General Prosecutor’s Office of Baja California.

Source: El Universal