More security cameras will be installed in Ensenada and Valle de Guadalupe


Ensenada, B.C.- Meeting at a work table with the Secretary of Citizen Security of the state government, General Leopoldo Tizoc Aguilar Durán, the various organizations of the Ensenada Business Coordinating Council, expressed their needs and proposals.

The president of the Ensenada Business Coordinating Council (CCEE), Marco Estudillo Bernal, announced that there is a commitment that, before September 6, 640 security cameras will be installed in the municipality in addition to the existing ones, of which, at least 77 will be strategically located in Valle de Guadalupe.

He pointed out the demand for a climate of peace for society in general, for workers and to strengthen the development of businesses that give life to contributions, economic income, and employment.

Situations like the one experienced in San Vicente a few weeks ago are unacceptable, therefore we need more federal resources, more personnel, more technology, there has to be a change of direction to shield Ensenada and recover peace and with it, the certainty to invest and generate greater development for the municipality,” he said.

For his part, General Aguilar Durán reported that the goal is that, by the end of the administration, there will be at least twice the police force, approaching compliance with international guidelines that establish 2.8 elements per thousand inhabitants.

Estudillo Bernal said that it was established as an agreement, a greater number of routes and presence in commercial routes proposed by the restaurateurs and the Association of Hotels and Motels of Ensenada, to generate the presence of elements of the Secretariat, which give greater certainty of security in Turistic zones.

The business leader indicated that another of the agreements was to implement a greater presence of elements of the secretariat in the northern area of Ensenada, which inhibits crime.

Source: El Imparcial