Dog pack attacks man in Tijuana, Baja California (VIDEO)


On Sunday, April 30th, a man was rescued from the attack of at least four dogs that their owners had let loose for walks on Tijuana beaches.

The fire department of the aquatic rescue division helped the victim of the attack by this pack that was walking alone on Playas de Tijuana after the owners left the canines loose.

In the video, it can be seen how these four dogs pull the victim’s clothes and arms while he screams in pain asking for help. After what happened, the owners of these dogs fled the scene without waiting for the authorities to arrive. 

Dog attacks in recent years

In 2020, four deaths were recorded due to attacks by a pack of dogs in Tijuana’s Colonia Villa Colonial. The State Attorney General’s Office, in the state capital Mexicali, points out that during 2018 and 2019 at least 27 complaints of dog attacks were registered.

Source: Baja News

Baja California Post