How much is the dollar worth in Mexico this September 12?


The Mexican peso appreciates to its best level in months due to a weakening in the price of the dollar at the beginning of this week.

Great start to the week for the Mexican peso, as it continues to appreciate against the price of the dollar and reaches its best level in recent months. The national currency is quoted for today, Monday, September 12, with an average of 19.89 in the main banks in Mexico, driven by the decline in the US currency after the incorporation into business of the highest rates in the country. This means an increase of 0.17 percent according to data from Bloomber for the different exchange rates; compared to how much it was worth at the close on Friday.

In the most important banks of the Mexican Republic, they announced how much the dollar is worth for the opening of this  Monday, September 12, either for purchase or sale transactions. Banorte continues to be the institution in Mexico with the lowest price, while Banco Azteca is listed with the highest.

Price of the dollar in the different exchange rates this Monday, September 12

  • Affirm: the dollar is worth 18.90 for purchase and 20.40 for sale in Mexico.
  • Banco Azteca: for today, Monday, September 12, it is quoted at 20.15 pesos for purchase and 20.87 for sale.
  • Banco Base: the price of the dollar is 20.43 Mexican pesos for purchase and sale.
  • Banorte: the exchange rate in Mexico is 18.86 pesos for purchase and 20.14 for sale.
  • BBVA: the dollar is worth 19.05 pesos for purchase and 20.35 for sale.
  • Banamex: it is quoted at 19.17 pesos for purchase, for 20.33 for sale this  Monday, September 12.
  • HSBC: the price of the dollar is 19.45 for purchase, for 20.19 for sale in Mexico.
  • Scotiabank: the dollar has an exchange rate of 19.54 for purchase and a sale of 21.06 pesos.

For its part, the Bank of Mexico reported a FIX exchange rate of 19.90 pesos at the beginning of this week. While the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) and the Tax Administration Service (SAT) also published how much the dollar is worth for this  September 12 , having an average exchange rate of 19.90 pesos in purchase and sale for its listing.

Mexico Daily Post