Meet the vegan taqueria in Tijuana with almost 40 different options


The main characteristic of this taquería, in addition to not having meat, is that every day you will find a different menu

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On Avenida Colima 2414 of the Madero (Cacho) neighborhood in TijuanaTaconveggie is ready to please vegans in the city, as well as lovers of trying new things.

And because Una Mordida Tacos Tijuana fits everything, chef Danny Betancourt wanted to visit this famous taqueria, where the tacos are priced at $ 35 pesos each.

The first taco the chef tried was the plantain taco, which consists of black beans, rice, stewed plantain, and a chia cream with orange. But for an added touch Danny added a red cabbage sauce with soy sauce.

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Once he took the first bite, the chef said that it is a totally different taco and that it can certainly be to the taste of people who enjoy sweet and sour food. That is how he gave it a 7.5 rating.

The next and last taco Danny indulged in was the ranch- style steak , as you read; however, despite having its green sauce and potato, instead of beef it is soy meat.

“The flavor is in the sauce; It is a tatemada green sauce and it really does taste very good. But the potato, the beans, the rice, make that typical dish of homemade ranchero steak. The flavor of the meat is very similar ”, he assured.

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In turn, the chef commented that at first glance this taco has everything to pass for a ranchero steak , but pointed out that if it lacked the flavor of beef. His rating for this vegan taco was 8.

What is your favorite taco here?


Baja California Post