Mazatlan prepares for the ‘Governor’s Cup’ 2021 fishing tournament


This series of events that will be taking place in the port, will serve to try to compensate for the lack of massive events that were suspended due to the health emergency

Resultado de imagen de 'Copa Gobernador mazatlan

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Highlighting the importance of the economic impact that this event would have on the port of Mazatlán, the Secretary of Tourism, Óscar Pérez Barros, pointed out that the port is not only “beach and sea.”

The event, which will take place from February 20 to 21, will be a unique opportunity to show the other side of Mazatlan tourism because as Pérez Barros pointed out, most visitors consider that Mazatlán is only sand and sea.

Governor's Cup

“They just see us as the beach and the sea and the weevil (referring to the fish) that’s how they see us from the outside, they don’t know there is more, the world record is held by the Picachos Dam, you get up to a hundred a day (fish) is the prey that produces more fish and more seabass worldwide, “said the official.

He said he estimated that the spill could exceed one million pesos, however thanks to this series of events that will be taking place in the port, they will serve to try to compensate for the lack of massive events that were suspended due to the health emergency.

Resultado de imagen de 'Copa Gobernador mazatlan

“Each participant and in this type of competition is in the family and Mazatlán lends itself to that … It is not only the fisherman, but this event can also leave us (they are estimates) between 1 million 200 thousand of direct economic income to Mazatlán,” he explained.

When how where?

As has already been reported, the enlisted fishermen will go for an award valued at 250 thousand pesos that will be complemented with 90 percent of what is collected for registrations, whose cost is 22 thousand pesos per team.

The first place will take 106,250 – plus 40 percent of the registrations – within the podium in which there will also be economic incentives for the second and third, as well as the one with the highest catch.

The winning team will obtain the right to participate in the National Big Game 2021 Championship with the representation of Sinaloa (does not include registration cost) to be held in Huatulco ( Oaxaca ) from November 5 to 7, 2021.

Plata Inzunza announced that the limit of participants is 25 teams and that registrations are still open at the number (667) 75119 99 or email to [email protected]

Pérez Barros reported that participants from the United States, Canada, as well as entities from Mexico, who, he said, will be provided with all health care and hospitality “so that they can take a good image of the event.”

Also at the conference were Juan José Ruiz, Undersecretary of Sectur; Ricardo Moreno, Undersecretary of Fisheries; Juan Manuel Moreno, director of Sport Fishing, and José Audelo Aun, main judge of the tournament.

Qualifying species:

Species Minimum weight

Blue and black marlin 200 pounds

Striped marlin 80 

Sailfish 50 

Gold 25 

Tuna 25 


Cost per team: 22 thousand pesos

Sports Fishing Association of Sinaloa AC

Bank: Banorte

Account: 0336867269

Clabe: 072 730 00336867269 5


It will be awarded with 250 thousand pesos, plus 90 percent of the proceeds of the inscriptions as follows:

The tournament prizes will be awarded to the teams that accumulate the highest weight based on the mentioned species

First place: 106,250 plus 40 percent of registrations

Second:  68,750 plus 25 percent of registrations

Third : 31,250 plus 10 percent of registrations

Highest catch:  43,750 plus 15 percent of registrations


Place: Pier 9 Marina Mazatlán

February 19th

Activity Schedule

16.00 to 18.30 Registration, registration

18.30 Captains meeting and rules reading

Saturday 20th

06:30 Starting shot

2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Receipt of files, captures and videos and registration closing

(The tokens will be delivered at Pier 9 with a cut-off time at 4:00 p.m.)

Sunday 21

06.30 Exit Fire

2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Reception of files, captures and videos and registration closing

(The tokens will be delivered at Pier 9 with a cut-off time at 4:00 p.m.)

17:00 Publication of results (from this publication, and up to 30 minutes later, protests may be made if they exist)

17:30 Awards ceremony and closing dinner

“At the moment mass events cannot be held due to the problem of the Covid-19 pandemic, but these, such as fishing tournaments, because they are outdoors, can be controlled since there are not many people, Certainly, all health care will be provided according to the protocols, to avoid any contagion ”, he added.

This event will be coordinated by the Secretary of Tourism, as well as the Secretary of State Fisheries and Aquaculture, under its new head, Evelio Plata Inzunza.


The Mazatlan Post