Mexico seeks to boost tourism with Southeast Asian countries


Mexico seeks a way to boost tourism ties with Southeast Asian countries, affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Tourism and Foreign Secretariats said today.

Mexico is part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Progressive Integration Treaty (TIPAT), which encompasses the economies of the Indo-Pacific region, and which is likely to be the engine of global economic growth in the near future.

Gráfica del comercio exterior con la región de Asia-Pacífico.

To this end, authorities from both entities met with representations in Mexico from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam to discuss the market in that part of Asia, according to a joint statement.

The note from both secretariats indicates that Mexican officials Humberto Hernández-Haddad and Alfonso Zegbe explained to Asian diplomats the regional situation after the border closures, the containment measures to reduce Covid-19 infections, and its effects on the sector. tourist.

turistas asiaticos a mexico

Southeast Asia is an important source of tourists to Mexico, but it was stopped in 2020 due to the pandemic, however, the region’s potential to improve its position in the Mexican destination is strong, despite the health situation, they say.

The parties agree on the need to design a strategy to attract tourists in the medium and long term to increase the number of visitor reception, once sanitary conditions allow it.

Headlines from the Southeast Asian representations presented different Mexican promotional materials generated or translated into their languages, although they insisted on the convenience of generating targeted messages for the region.

Asians celebrated the progress of the Reliable Traveler initiative, which will simplify immigration procedures for international visitors and will encourage travel to Mexico, and promote reciprocity.

turistas asiaticos a mexico

On the other hand, the possibility of renewing and strengthening the legal instruments on tourism that Mexico has signed with these countries was explored.

We have to be able to forge multilateral agreements that can bring economic benefits to the 164 economies that are today members of the WTO. Global growth must accompany regional growth if we are to witness a return to levels of economic activity prior to the covid-19 pandemic. Let’s all move forward in the same direction.


Mexico Daily Post