Laboratories to detect Covid-19 will be installed at Puerto Vallarta airport


A negative laboratory test is required for passengers to be able to travel to the US and Europe.

As part of the strategy to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, the Puerto Vallarta International Airport will install a medical laboratory to perform Covid-19 tests on North American or international travelers.

This measure has already been adopted by other airports in the country as a measure to try to control the pandemic.

The installation of these laboratories is done after the governments of the United States and Canada requested foreign visitors a Covid-19 PCR and antigen test to be able to visit their territories.

This test must be negative in patients before boarding the flight, so it will only apply to international passengers.

The Puerto Vallarta airport has reported that the costs of laboratory tests will be 450 pesos in the case of antigens and 1,450 pesos for PCR, payment can be made in pesos or dollars.

This laboratory test will be an essential requirement to be able to board international flights. The requirement to perform this test is that they have not done a nasal swab before as this could alter the result.

This requirement to board is for all passengers 2 years in advance and became effective as of January 26, 2021.

However, to be able to board the flights, PCR tests or antigens carried out in laboratories other than those found inside the airport can be used.

It is only requested that the tests contain the following data:

Name and surname as they appear in the passport
The date the sample was taken
Type of test
Evidence that the test was done in the 3 days prior to the flight
Laboratory contact information

If you had Covid-19 in the last 3 months, the positive test should have:

Name, surname and date of birth (must match the passport)
Evidence that the test was done in the 3 months prior to the flight
This type of proof must be accompanied by a letter from a certified physician or public health official stating that you are recovered and authorized to travel.

Source: Debate

The Nayarit Post