Monarch butterfly sanctuary in Michoacán temporarily closed due to Covid-19


The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve announced that the measure was taken in adherence and respect to the decision of the residents of the ejido where the sanctuary is located

Every fall, when temperatures begin to drop in the north of the continent, millions and millions of monarch butterflies leave their summer habitats in the US and Canada and leave for Mexico in a migration of more than 5,000 km, unique in the world of insects. In the oyamel forests of the center of the country, more than 2,700 meters high, they find their winter home from November. Here they form colonies, grouped in huge clusters to survive the low temperatures of the coldest months of the year when they hibernate. In February the butterflies wake up from slumber and begin preparing for the long journey back north.  

The Ministry of Tourism of Michoacán reported that as a measure to reduce infections by Covid-19, the monarch butterfly sanctuary “El Rosario”, located in the municipality of Ocampo, will be temporarily closed. 

For its part, in a message on social networks, the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve announced that the measure was taken in adherence and respect to the decision of the residents of the ejido, which bears the same name. 

“El Ejido El Rosario has decided to TEMPORARILY CLOSE, from Monday 01 to Friday 05 February, as a preventive measure due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he wrote. 

He also invited the general public to take care of their health and maintain sanitary measures, by staying at home and not visiting any sanctuary. 

Meanwhile, and according to official figures from the state government, Michoacán is in the orange color of the epidemiological traffic light. 

Until this Saturday, the entity has registered 42 thousand 886 positive cases of coronavirus and adds three thousand 348 deaths from the disease.

Representative Species:
Flora: Nettle pine ( Pinus pseudostrobus ), Highland pine ( Pinus hartwegii ), Red pine, teocote ( Pinus teocote ), Yellow pine ( Pinus oocarpa ), Encino, jarrillo oak ( Quercus laurina ), Aile ( Alnus jorullensis ), Willow ( Salixparaxa ), Capulín ( Prunus sp. ), Straight pine, royal pine, ocote ( Pinus devoniana )
Fauna: Lynx ( Lynx rufus ), Coyote ( Canis latrans ), Southern Striped Skunk ( Mephitis macroura ), White-tailed Deer ( Odocoileus virginianus )

Microendemic species:
Transvolcanic rattlesnake ( Crotalus triseriatus )

Endemic Species:
Member of the Snake Root (Asterácea) ( Ageratina oligocephala ), Beryl Hummingbird ( Amazilia berillyna ), Toluca Siredon ( Ambystoma rivularis ), Green-browed Scratcher ( Arremon virenticeps ), Cinnamon-Cap Scratcher ( Atlapetes pileatus ), Mexican Buzzard ( Atthis pileatus ) ), Broomstick ( Baccharis multiflora ), Green-browed Scratcher ( Arremon vrenticeps ), Tepozán Cimarrón ( Buddleja parviflora ), Serrana Matraca ( Campylorhynchus gularis ), Barred Matraca ( Campylorhynchus megalopterus ), Mexican Two-Line Snake (Two-Line Snake)Conopsis biserialis ), Red Chipe ( Cardellina rubra ), Mexican Thrush ( Catharus occidentalis ), Yaga-yana ( Comarostaphylis discolor ), Smith’s Barking Frog ( Craugastor hobartsmithi ), Goldman’s Ear Shrew ( Cryptotis goldmani ), Macudad Coludar Quail ), Coyamol ( Echeandia flavescens ), Cardellina rubra ( Ergaticus ruber ), Flower of Güegüeche ( Gentiana spathacea ), Mountain Tree Frog ( Hyla eximia ), Folded Tree Frog O Surcada ( Hyla plicata ), Calandria Flancos Negros ( Icterus abe), Cuatolotlanenzi ( Iostephane heterophylla ), Blue Juniper ( Juniperus monticola ), Mexican Nuthatch ( Lepidocolaptes leucogaster ), Neovolcanica Frog ( Lithobates neovolcanicus ), Blue Mulatto ( Melanotis caerulescens ), Motmotus corona canebachera (Diminutive camper), Momoto corona mexicanutabachera (Diminutus Caminuta ) , Montera Rat, Tiny Cambalachera Rat ( Nelsonia neotomodon ), White-browed Warbler ( Oreothlypis superciliosa ), Serrano Zacatonero ( Oriturus superciliosus ), Barred Quail ( Philortyx fasciatus ), Dwarf Pinion ( Pinus cembroides ), White pine (Pinus martinezii ), Red- headed Piranga ( Piranga erythrocephala ), Pinto Tlaconete ( Pseudoeurycea belli ), Long-tailed Tlaconete ( Pseudoeurycea longicauda ), Moctezuma Frog ( Rana montezumae ), Spotted Frog ( Rana spectabilis ), Culebra Acotera, Culebra Acotera, Culebra Acotera Collared, Crown Leafsnake ( Rhadinaea laureata ), Aztec Blackbird ( Ridgwayia pinicola ), Hediondilla ( Roldana lineolata ), Baird’s Flat Snake, Baird’s Patchwork Snake, Striped Snake ( Salvadora bairdi ), Barred Scaly Lizard ( Sceloporus torquatus ), Mexican (Storeria storerioides ), White- naped Swift ( Streptoprocne semicollaris ), Long-tailed Mountain Garter Snake ( Thamnophis scalaris ), Happy Wall Jumper ( Thryothorus felix ), Linden ( Tilia mexicana ), Long-tailed Saltapared ( Tryomanes bewickii ), Black- backed Blackbird ( Turdus rufopalliatus ), Alerquin Vireon ( VireolanIus melitophrys ), Balsas Flycatcher ( Xenotriccus mexicanus ), Spruce ( Abies religious ), Western Mexican coral snake ( Micrurus distans ), ( Psacalium megaphyllum ), ( Quercus martinezii), Pine oak brown snake ( Rhadinaea taeniata ), Lily ( Rhynchostele cervantesii ), ( Sedum minimum  ), ( Senecio stoechadiformis ), ( Senecio toluccanus ), Chayotito ( Sicyos deppei ), Memelilla ( Verbesina oncophora )


Michoacan Post