Again! Tijuana-San Diego border crossing restrictions extended


The borders will be reopened to the general public until February 21, according to the Ministry of Foreign Relations.

The return to a red light of several Mexican entities, the rise in cases of COVID-19, as well as the presence of the new strain of coronavirus in Mexico, originally detected in Europe, have caused the Mexican government in conjunction with that of the United States to decide again to increase the period of restrictions to cross the Tijuana-San Diego border.

The border between Mexico and the United States has been closed since March 21, 2020, and will remain closed until at least February 21 of the current year, according to information shared by the Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE).

It was also clarified that these restrictive measures will continue as they have been carried out until now since the implementation of the border closure at the beginning of the Pandemic, for which they will continue to allow only those crossings that are considered essential to enter the American country.

Since October last year, the San Ysidro Commerce Society has requested the elimination of these restrictions due to the serious economic crisis that many businesses are going through as they cannot receive the large Mexican market that constantly crosses to consume in the San Diego businesses, for what through letters to the county authorities they have tried to convince them to reopen borders to the public with tourist visa without any success.

It will depend on the decrease in contagions by covid-19 in the coming weeks if the period of restrictions will be extended again or in reality this delay in the opening of the border will finally be the last.


Baja California Post