San Felipe-Laguna Chapala highway concluded


You will save 4 hours of travel; Announce construction of the Ensenada Bypass, to prevent heavy traffic from circulating through the center of this city

After several years of starting its construction, the modernization of the San Felipe-Laguna Chapala highway has been completed, which will connect with the Transpeninsular and will save 4 hours of travel.

During an event held in Ensenada, led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Secretary of Communications and Transportation, Jorge Arganis Díaz-Leal, reported that after 9 years the construction of the aforementioned road that will connect with the Peninsular highway was completed.

The San Felipe-Laguna Chapala highway, which in its total length of 201.3 kilometers, 141.3 kilometers have been built and modernized with type B highway characteristics, and a total of 1,956 million pesos will be invested; between 2019 and 2020, 354.9 million pesos were spent.

These resources contemplate the construction of the junction in the Chapala area, at the level of the transpeninsular highway.

The modernization works consisted of the expansion to a crown width of 9 meters, and includes 27 bridges and two junctions; 60 kilometers operate in a crown width of 7 meters.

The work will benefit 70 thousand inhabitants of the municipalities of Mexicali and Ensenada, as well as the development of potentially tourist areas along the entire coast of the Sea of ​​Cortez and will facilitate the transfer of fishery and agricultural products from the region.

In addition, it will allow savings in travel times of approximately four hours for users who circulate from Baja California Sur to Mexicali, United States, or to the interior of the country and will efficiently communicate to the communities surrounding the highway and will generate an alternative route to the transpeninsular highway.

A daily traffic of 700 vehicles per day is expected at speeds of 100 kilometers per hour.

In the event, the Undersecretary of Infrastructure, Cedric Iván Escalante Sauri, explained that the 20.7-kilometer Bypass Ensenada will benefit 557,430 inhabitants of the region’s municipality, reduce travel times and generate alternative access to the port of Cove.

The general director of the SCT Baja California Center, Jesús Felipe Verdugo López, the undersecretary of Infrastructure said that the Ensenada Bypass will have a total investment of 1,513.7 million pesos; investment in 2020 is 34.8 million pesos.


Baja California Post