Client takes advantage of supermarket error and buys 2,340 bottles of Whiskey in “Buen Fin” sale


A consumer in Guadalajara demanded that they sell him all the bottles that the store had in stock, which totaled 2,340 bottles, due to an omission in the labels

By not including captions limiting the number of products a person can buy, one consumer demanded that all bottles of whiskey be sold to him at a convenience store.

The head of the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office ( Profeco ), Ricardo Sheffield, explained to EL UNIVERSAL that in Guadalajara in a Soriana store the promotion for El Buen Fin of three bottles at the price of two was put, without limiting the quantity to be sold per person 

Cliente aprovecha error de supermercado y compra 2 mil 350 botellas de  Whisky en oferta de Buen Fin | Periódico AM | Noticias de Hidalgo, México

So a consumer demanded that they sell him all the bottles that the store had in stock, which totaled 2,340 bottles.

PROFECO had to intervene in this purchase because the store did not want to give the number of bottles that consumers wanted to buy, eventually with the intervention of the authority materialized sale

The Prosecutor’s Office asked merchants to review the labels, avoid errors and give details about the number of pieces that each consumer will be allowed to buy, that is, whether or not there are purchase limits, especially in this period from November 9 to 20 in which El Buen Fin 2020 takes place 


The Guadalajara Post