Learn about the breweries that will be present at “Cerveza Baja 2020”


The event will take place on October 24 and will benefit the Fire Department in Rosarito

It seems that events are slowly being reactivated in Baja California, since for the second time the Castillos del Mar hotel, located in Rosarito, will offer an event with the best of the region: Baja 2020 Beer.

The event that will bring together a variety of craft beer, will take place on October 24 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm; And like the previous one, it will be carried out for the benefit of the Rosarito Fire Department.

If you need to take a break, what better way to do it than with music, gastronomy, and of course beer, since you can enjoy 13 tastings of breweries such as: Wendlandt, Insurgente, Fauna, Lírica, Aberrante, among others.

As if that were not enough, two special guests will offer a comedy show that will brighten up this afternoon: Tío Rober and Pancho Estrada.

Now you know, write down the date, time, and place because space is limited. To purchase your tickets, which have a cost of $ 700 pesos, you can go to Hotel Castillos del Mar, Hotel Corona or Hotel Fiesta Tijuana; Or, buy them online by clicking here.

For more information you can enter here.

And you, with whom are you going to enjoy the sun, beach and beer?

Photo of Castillos del Mar

Source: sandiegored.com

Baja California Post