Beachgoers travel south to find open beaches in Rosarito Baja California


August 1 2020

While the authorities keep a watchful eye, hundreds of families the beach without major problems to have fun and enjoy the good weather.

Rosarito Beaches.- Closed beaches in Rosarito? Not everywhere. The restrictions are concentrated in the city center beach, which remains alone, but in the southern area, the panorama is quite different since hundreds of families come to them without major problems, to have fun and enjoy the good weather.

In a tour carried out by FRONTERA, it was found that the points of the greatest concentration of visitors are located on the beaches near Alisitos, Medio Camino, La Fonda and La Misión, where visitors arrive armed with tables, umbrellas, tents and Of course coolers loaded with beers and other refreshing drinks.

At the foot of the road, the vehicles park as they can and have not even turned off the engine when a man dressed in an orange vest appears, to demand the payment of the fee of $ 5 per car, if they want to stay there, but due With little space available, no one refuses to pay.

The authorities keep a watchful eye, because knowing that these sites are being occupied, despite the ban on entering the beach, they do not appear in the area, at least that’s what tenants from La Fonda said.

Meanwhile, the surveillance is notorious in the downtown beach, which ranges from the CFE thermoelectric plant and even just beyond the pier of the Hotel Rosarito, where only one or the other manage to sneak in, but are invited to withdraw from the beach so as not to be sanctioned.

This is how beach activity is lived in times of the coronavirus in Rosarito.


The Mazatlan Post