La Paz hotel reopening occupancy is less than 10%


La Paz, BCS. According to Agustín Olachea, who is president of the Association of Hotel and Tourist Companies of La Paz (Emprhotur), one week after the reopening of the activities of the hotel sector, the hotels of the entity presented an occupancy of less than 10% in its maximum hosting capacity.

“On the day it opened, June 15, we actually had occupations below 10%, taking into account 100% of the installation of hotel rooms. It is very low, but it is normal behavior in the midst of this health crisis that we are experiencing, “she said.

Hotel reactivation begins in its first week with occupancy of less than 10%

He pointed out that this was due to the fact that there was no specific date for the reactivation of the sector, so practically this week they dedicated themselves to the adjustments and training to implement all the sanitary measures for a safe return.

“This first week was very accommodating, of implementing protocols and good practices. We are obliged to comply with the IMSS, with the State Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks and finally, we are in a voluntary course that most providers are taking to become a Clean Point tourist destination, “he explained.

Likewise, he commented that regarding the reservations for the summer season, these have gradually increased since a week ago, making it a good indicator of a probable early recovery in this sector.

Hotel Seven Crown La Paz Malecón en La Paz |

Finally, he invited the population to be responsible and to continue flattening the curve so that the economic reactivation in the entity can continue, which is at level 5 of the Covid traffic light.

“Level 5 allows us to occupy 30% of the hotel rooms available in each hotel. In other words, if a hotel has 100 rooms, its maximum capacity at this level will be 30 rooms, but hopefully, we would achieve 30%; I believe that for a few weeks this occupation will not be achieved. But we have to be very responsible and take care of ourselves all, improve conditions, that infections are lower and be able to flatten that trend so that we can start to open more activities and have more capacity in hotels, “he concluded.

Playa La Paz

Hotel sector launches campaign to promote tourism in La Paz

This week three campaigns will start that are intended to attract international, national and local tourists to the city of La Paz, according to Agustín Olachea Nogueda, who is president of the Association of Hotel and Tourist Companies of La Paz AC (EMPRHOTUR). .

“Three different promotional campaigns are coming, because that is what we must do, in addition to complying with all the guidelines, hygiene protocols and good practices so that the tourist feels safe to visit the city,” he said.

He explained that one of the campaigns is aimed at new tourists who have emerged during the contingency, who are usually looking for open spaces, have contact with nature and sustainability.

“The first is an image campaign where we are promoting the natural beauties we have, the experiences they can carry out in this beautiful destination, and it is called La Paz Para Ti,” he said.

La Paz

He pointed out that there is also a strategy on the part of the hotel sector with the airlines and with a logistics-shipping group, to offer promotions and attract tourists from the most important markets for La Paz.

“Hand in hand with two business partners: Volaris and Baja Ferries, we are going to offer a free third night for tourists. Volaris will focus on the three destinations that are the most important markets for La Paz, which are Mexico, Guadalajara and Tijuana, while with Baja Ferries we are going to do a promotion in Sonora, Sinaloa and Durango, ”he explained.

He noted that despite the fact that tourist service providers do not yet have authorization to reactivate their activities, they have joined these initiatives offering 20% ​​to clients who book for the summer season.

While he commented that the third campaign is focused on South Californians, with the intention of promoting that the residents of the state visit the city of La Paz, and for this, the hotels are going to launch very attractive promotions for the locals.

Finally, he pointed out that these campaigns are intended to promote a speedy recovery in the hotel sector, and emphasized that the municipal and state governments have been very receptive and supported them during this contingency while calling on the population to strive and receive tourism with greater hospitality and taking care of the beaches.



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