Emergency Status in Todos Santos BCS; Strong outbreak of COVID -19


There is a concern in the community because the number of coronavirus infections among residents has increased, with 13 positive, 5 negatives, and 1 recovered.

Roberto palacios Todos Santos

The municipal delegate, Roberto Palacios, was the one who informed the residents of the first case on May 8. Since then he has called on all residents to maintain security measures.

cabo-day-trip-todos-santos - Travels and Treats

Now the Todos Santos Citizens’ Council has expressed its concern about the high number of infections in so few days and is asking the health office to activate a control plan because so far they have done nothing.
The community of Todos Santos does not have hospital facilities to attend to cases of COVID-19. All patients are sent to the capital.

They are sad because since the first case of coronavirus was announced, many residents have not observed the measures of healthy distance and have continued with parties, family gatherings, and parties on the beach.
That is why it is urgent to activate a protective shield as soon as possible.

La Prensa BCS - La información más importante de BCS

Do not attend or spread fake news. The Todos Santos’s Citizen’s Council has declared a state of emergency!

¡¡ATENCIÓN!! ?️Estado de Emergencia en Todos Santos.?️OJO hay un fuerte brote de COVID -19 en Todos Santos. No se ve…

Posted by ConsejoCiudadano TodosSantos on Sunday, May 24, 2020

Source: bcsnoticias.mx, Todos Santos Citizens’ Council, californiahoyusa.com

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