Mexico timeshares will be the first to receive tourists after lockdown is lifted


The timeshare sector has indicated that they will recover activity as soon as movement restrictions are lifted

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur-. At the global level, the tourism sector has not stopped searching for the necessary strategies to begin its reactivation once the health emergency due to COVID-19 has been overcome.

Лос Кабос

Experts in the field, analysts and economists have assured time and time again that despite the fact that tourism has been the sector hardest hit by the crisis that the pandemic is generating, it will also be a key factor for the economic recovery in large part. of the world. 

The timeshare sector is one of the most important in tourist destinations, especially in Los Cabos where they represent a third of the infrastructure of rooms.

Cabo San Lucas Timeshares | Cabo Timeshare Specialist USA Based

Large companies in the timeshare sector have signaled that they will resume activity as soon as movement restrictions are lifted and air connections are restored, “long before” the traditional hotel business.

In this sense, timeshare consists of an activity where the client enjoys one or more vacation weeks a year for 50 years, so it will “start” from the first day that they can travel.

Timeshare tourists will be the first to arrive at the destination

In Los Cabos, even before the pandemic, according to the South Californian Association of Timeshare Developers (ASUDESTICO) during peak seasons, the occupation in timeshares exceeded 90 percent, making it one of the most powerful sectors of tourism.

Cabo San Lucas Timeshares | Cabo Timeshare Specialist USA Based

Why will timeshare be key in the recovery of tourism? According to the global timeshare company, Resort Development Organization (RDO), this sector has always been characterized by the high level of customer loyalty with the destinations where they have bought their week, as they are “holders of a right to use you want to take advantage of and they will be among the first to travel again. ”

Cabo San Lucas Timeshares | Cabo Timeshare Specialist USA Based

This phenomenon is replicated in any destination, also in Los Cabos, where Lilzi Orcí Fregoso, president of the Los Cabos Hotels Association (AHLC) confirmed that, in effect, the first tourists to arrive will be those who have shared times at the destination. 

“The timeshare is those loyal travelers, who already know the destination, are the owners of residences, they are the first to appear, hence we will see how reservations arise, as well as our main business partners and how connectivity is reactivated airline ”, said Orcí Fregoso, who mentioned that the destination has a very good balance between the timeshare sector, which is a third, the other third is a European plan, which is the most common and the remaining part is all-inclusive, all This will allow the gradual opening of the hotel rooms.

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