36-hour arrest for anyone caught on Baja streets or highways


By Larry Thompson

The government of Baja California Sur reminds everyone that no vehicle should drive on city streets, because we are in phase 3 of the coronavirus health emergency.

En Baja California Sur habrá cárcel por 36 horas a quien salga de ...

That is the reason why checkpoints have been installed or police units make surveillance in the main cities neighborhoods, where families must be in their houses.

It has been announced that only in cases of emergency can people leave their homes, either to buy food or for health reasons.

They are also reminded that only one person per car is allowed.

It has been detected that Americans enter Baja California Sur through the paths from Bahia de Los Angeles to the municipality of Mulege.

Today the Ciudad Constitucion police removed a group of people who were drinking beer on the street.

Those caught by security forces can be sentenced to 36 hours of arrest since this was agreed by the State Board of Health.

Help us stop the COVID-19 epidemic from spreading to the cities and towns of Baja California Sur.

En Baja California Sur habrá cárcel por 36 horas a quien salga de ...

1. The following are the new sanitary measures that will be in force from April 25 to May 30:

2. All non-essential activities will be suspended until May 30.

3. You may only walk or drive alone, and solely for the purpose of performing one of the following essential activities:

– Procuring food, medicines, and basic goods.

– Going to the hospital or attending health facilities or services.

– Going to work (in one of the following essential activities: health, security, government, civil protection; the pharmaceutical sector; the health industry; waste disposal (particularly that which may be infectious); cleaning and sanitizing medical units; the non-alcoholic food industry; supermarkets, markets, grocery stores of all sizes, convenience stores and sale of processed or prepared food (“alimentos preparados”); transportation services and freights; farming, agribusiness, and cleaning products).

– Returning home.

– Taking care of the elderly, underaged persons, dependents, disabled persons, and persons who are especially vulnerable.

– Financial institutions or insurance services.

– A case of force majeure or a fully justified need.

– Any other similar activity that needs to be done individually, unless you are in the company of a disabled person or for any other justified reason.

– Delivering food to those in need (only if your aim is to support the economy of their families, and only if their need is derived from the contingency).

– You may drive unaccompanied, only to perform one of these essential activities or to refuel your vehicle.

– Any other thing established by BCS´ Health Security Committee.

– All recommendations and instructions dictated by the sanitary authority must be observed.

4. Security forces are allowed to block roads and highways (in their entirety or partially) for public health or security reasons or to restrict the circulation of certain vehicles.

– The authorities will inform the public about the measures that may affect vehicle transit.

5. Zero tolerance. All gatherings are prohibited. No fiestas or gatherings are allowed. Disrupting public order is prohibited.

6. Those who leave their homes with COVID-19 symptoms in order to get medical treatment have to wear a mask mandatorily.

7. Those who do not comply with these norms will be arrested for 36 hours and fined 100 UMAS (presently $8,688 pesos).

– Those who do not pay the fine will perform community services for three days (transporting food to vulnerable groups, cleaning health centers and hospitals that are not treating COVID-19 patients, making masks, and performing similar activities related to this contingency (NOTE: these activities cannot put at risk the integrity of the offenders)).

8. The security forces at the municipal, state, and federal levels will oversee the observance of these norms.

*Many people are having flights during these days. While nothing is explicitly stated about “transportation to the airport” and, for instance, “taking a taxi cab with another person(s)”, the decree does state that you may walk or drive alone for the purpose of performing “A case of force majeure or a fully justified need”. Transportation services are also listed among the essential activities. Please contact the tourism board to discuss your particular needs ([email protected]) or call the airport (+52-624-146-5111) and have a safe flight.


For real-time information, you can consult the official website of CORONAVIRUS BCS.

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Source: californiahoyusa.com

The Mazatlan Post