Confirm 5 more cases of coronavirus in BCS, 4 in Los Cabos and 1 in La Paz


The Secretary of Health of the Government of the State of Baja California Sur through the official website until the afternoon of Wednesday, April 15 reported 5 more confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the entity, so far there are 158 confirmed coronavirus cases and 55 suspects.

It was in the capital city of La Paz where 1 more case and 4 more were confirmed in Los Cabos, so they add up to now in the municipality of 113 and in La Paz 44, while the municipality of Mulegé remains with 1 case and Comondú and Loreto so far are free of Covid-19 cases.

It should be noted that there are 6 deaths from Covid-19 in the state, 5 belonging to La Paz and 1 to Los Cabos. Likewise, 7 cases recovered by coronavirus remain, 1 in La Paz and 6 in Los Cabos.


The Mazatlan Post