Video: Mulegé BCS transpeninsular highway is closed, “if they leave they don’t come back”, warns the mayor Felipe Prado


They closed the entrances to the municipality, fear caravan of tourists for Easter

Mulegé, Baja California Sur: Guía Definitiva - Tips Para Tu Viaje

Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur.- The accesses of the transpeninsular highway to the municipality of Mulegé were closed at the same time that the Municipal President Felipe Prado Bautista issued a message stating that nobody leaves or enters their municipality except for the most essential things.

With this, actions are intended to strengthen the call of citizens to refrain from moving around the state due to the provisions that have been reinforced to stop the transmission chains of the virus that produces the disease known as COVID-19.

“There is no other choice, we are pleased to say that we have no confirmed case of coronavirus in Mulegé, so I have invited the authorities of the Secretariat of Security, National Guard, Navy, and Sedena so that if they so arrange they support us in closing the municipality both in the north and in the south, ”said the mayor in a message that he sent to the public and which is disseminated through the local media.

The mayor said that the people who have already left are not going to follow them “Our decision is that, no one enters the municipality of Mulegé even if they are a resident here if they did not leave for just cause and even less if they went on vacation”

CORONAVIRUS: Cierra sus fronteras el municipio de Mulegé a partir ...

The mayor reiterated to his governed “know clearly if it is not something totally justified, know that if you leave, you are free, but with the caveat that if you return, you will not be able to enter until you have raised by the authorities that we no longer have so much risk ”, he expressed.

“He made a call to the bus lines to refrain from bringing passengers, whoever is passing through has the opportunity, to
take a plane and pass us above and not on the trans-peninsular highway,” he said.

Mulegé cierra sus fronteras ….. Nadie entra a la municipalidad del norte, nos enlazamos con el Director del medio Colectivo Pericue hasta el sur de media península en Cabo San Lucas…

Posted by Guerrerodesal on Thursday, April 9, 2020

Last time, the Secretary of Health in the state let it be known that there were 11 suspected cases of COVID-19 in the municipality of Mulegé, to date no cases have been confirmed to the north of Baja California Sur.

Felipe Prado added that the vehicles that circulate in the communities will be stopped and if they are consuming alcoholic beverages they will be strongly penalized.

“I think we want health, it is the most valuable thing, and our decision is with the aim of protecting all the muleginos well” he indicated


The Mazatlan Post

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