“The sea of Cortez belongs to Mexico” Mexican deputies will Not annex the gulf to the U.S.


PT and Morena seek that Mar de Cortés is the heritage of Mexico

A part of the parliamentary faction of the Labor Party (PT), as well as the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), made known to the media the initiative they presented days ago for the Gulf of California to become a patrimonial sea of Mexico since it is considered as international waters.

Fates Intertwined: Vaquitas, Totoabas, and Fishing on the Sea of Cortez

Jesús Salvador Minor Mora, a federal deputy from Baja California for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) said that days ago he was presented to the Congress of the Union, for which reason the parliamentary faction of the PT is being asked to join this legislative proposal.

He indicated that it is very difficult for legislators to oppose having a property such as the Gulf of California in their inventory and legally, the Sea of ​​Cortez must be converted into the patrimony of the nation and cease to be anyone’s waters.

He pointed out that federal legislators such as the Senator of Baja California Sur, Lucia Trasviña, have already presented themselves with the same concern, however, he has not had an Echo, so it is important that legislators make synergy.

“It is necessary to modify Article 27, 42 and 48 of the Constitution of the Politics of the United Mexican States, in 27 it has been registering everything that is owned by Mexico and the Gulf of California or Sea of ​​Cortés is missing, which has a dimension of 283 square kilometers is almost or similar to what is the peninsula of Baja California Sur “.

He asserted that the central and southern part of the Gulf of California has become a no man’s land, why, just as foreign ships can enter to prey on marine species, so can submarine or even exploit underwater resources, and no one he realizes what happens.

For his part, Alfredo Porras Domínguez, federal deputy of Baja California Sur for the PT, stressed that with this measure the depredation of marine species, as well as other resources, can be avoided, in addition to the fact that the ecological museum of Mexico has to be taken care of.

“It is necessary to add the 500 deputies so that the Constitutional Points Commission passes within 2 months and we present it to the plenary session for its approval, which requires the support of the whole world, more now than ever, we will not allow motor ships they invade productively when the Sea of ​​Cortez belongs to the Mexicans. “

He concluded by saying that the Sea of ​​Cortes should be included in Article 27 as the patrimonial sea of ​​Mexico, if we do so we will take the great step to avoid the over-exploitation of resources.

The treasures of the Gulf of California, a strategic sea, were made known through a series of cables that were filtered by Wikileaks. It is the largest oil and gas reserves in the country , according to the information exchanges between the United States Embassy and Washington in the 70’s, just as our country was preparing to decree its nationalization and incorporation of that maritime space to our Magna Carta, a situation that could not be determined.

Several attempts have been made to nationalize the Gulf of California, but all have failed due to pressure from an “invisible hand” that obeys Yankee interests, which are rushing the process of the total delivery of the peninsula to the United States, for the exploitation of all its mineral resources, energy resources and fisheries, in addition to its thousands of square kilometers that today colonize as advanced of the new real estate developments.

Source: tribunadeloscabos.com.mx, comunicacionnoticias.diputados.gob.mx

Baja California Post