Dust from the Sahara crosses the Atlantic and invades the Americas; Mexico could be affected


It is loaded with harmful elements such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, silicon and mercury, press reports indicate

After passing through Colombia, the meteorological phenomenon known as Dust of the Sahara will affect El Salvador from today until next Sunday, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) reported.

Saharan Air Layer Forecast - Atlantic | Hurricane and Tropical ...

He indicated that with the presence of the dust, ” a mist will remain in the country with temperatures of 32 degrees Celsius (° C) and winds with an average speed of 18 kilometers per hour, ” for which he recommended using mouthguards.

According to specialists, the presence of Sahara Dust affects the climate, and sometimes acute respiratory diseases, allergies and skin problems can occur, so the Salvadoran authorities asked to follow the recommendations.

Sahara dust originates from North Africa and spreads through the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the southeastern United States, Mexico, and Central America. It is loaded with harmful elements such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, silicon, and mercury, according to press reports.

They indicated that it is estimated that around 90 million tons of dust from the Sahara desert arrive each year in the Caribbean region during spring and summer.

Last week, meteorological experts recorded the presence of this phenomenon in northern Colombia and high temperatures were recorded in multiple cities on the Caribbean Coast. For example, last Saturday, in Riohacha the temperature was 39.1 degrees, while in Barranquilla it was 38.8.

Source: heraldodemexico.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post