Over 100 foreign RVers still on Baja California Sur Beaches Despite Mandated Closures


They argue that they cannot return to their countries in a health emergency, they are asked to quarantine

La Paz, Baja California Sur (OEM-Informex) .- In coordination with the municipalities and with the support of the National Guard, the State Civil Protection System began closing last week the more than 150 state beaches, asking those who were in the parks to return home; the above as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and in response to the official provisions that the Ministry of Health has taken on this pandemic.

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The undersecretary of Civil Protection Carlos Godínez, reported over a hundred RVs are located on the beaches, mostly with vacationers of Americans, Canadian, Argentine and German origin, who were invited to leave; Many of them expressed the impossibility of returning to their countries due to the pandemic.

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Bahía Concepción, with more foreigners

Most of them are located on the beaches El requesón, Santispac, Los Burros, El Coyote, Los Naranjos and Buenaventura in Bahía Concepción, municipality of Mulegé, and to a lesser extent in the area of ​​El Sargento and La Ventana.

Tecolote Beach, Baja California Sur, Mexico - The view of our...

All of them were asked to withdraw from the beach, or to remain in their motor homes, fulfilling the quarantine to which most of the population has joined.

Carlos Godínez, informed that the accesses to the main beaches have been closed and the concessionaires have been informed so that they do not allow the installation of camps in the federal terrestrial maritime zone.

5 civil protection ambulances ready

On the other hand, the official announced that the State Civil Protection System is training part of its staff to operate ambulances to support the health sector in the transfer of patients from COVID-19, so that if necessary an ambulance is assigned to each municipality.

All the Civil Protection personnel has focused on the surveillance of beaches and public spaces, in order to ask the population to withdraw to their homes to avoid crowds and thereby reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections.

Non-essential establishments will close

On the other hand, he announced that from this Monday tours of urban centers will be carried out starting with Los Cabos and La Paz to ask the owners of non-essential commercial establishments to suspend work.

Among others, hardware stores, paint stores, construction materials stores, establishments where the main business is the sale of beer should close their doors.

On the boardwalk, only local transit

In La Paz, the beaches, El Tecolote and Balandra, which are the most popular, the accesses were also closed, as well as on the boardwalk in the capital, where only local transit is allowed.

Actions, before the situation worsens

Carlos Godínez stressed the importance of taking preventive actions at this time, and not waiting until the health situation worsens; It is likely he said that in the next few days we will not be able to move, he said.

There is no adequate response from people

For its part, the director of Civil Protection of the city of La Paz Notzuly Almodovar García, reported that all the delegations have been visited to share with the delegates the protocols that must be followed in the event that any patient with the symptoms of Coronavirus presents Covid-19, and announced that it has started a campaign for the voluntary contribution of pantries that will be delivered to families who lost their jobs.

However, he regretted the lack of willingness shown by the population of La Paz to take the preventive measures ordered by the authority, and stated that despite calls from Governor Carlos Mendoza and Municipal President Rubén Muñoz, people are not responding in a manner adequate; Despite all the calls that citizenship does not end up believing it, there is a lot of movement in the city, he said.

The hour ZERO has arrived to Baja California Sur

He recalled that starting on Monday, April 6, zero hour begins for Baja California Sur, and therefore a large number of establishments must be closed, leaving only essentials in operation, such as pharmacies, stores dedicated to selling food and gas stations : For hardware stores, shoe stores and those dedicated to the sale of other types of items, employers are being proposed to minimize their staff or, if necessary, to close in stages.

Traders refuse to close

He reported that these measures for the closure of establishments have already been notified, however there is great resistance on the part of those seeking ways to evade suspension of work; Businesses are trying to turn us around, he said, and the same is happening in self-service stores where the healthy distance and the income of only one person per family are not being adequately respected: We are struggling a lot; The shopping malls are quite large, and public transport continues to provide the service as if we were not in a health emergency, he concluded.

Source: elsudcaliforniano.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post

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